
  1. Citrus Anime
  2. Is Pineapple A Citrus Fruit

Yang Shan, in, 2016Canned citrus is a food with isolated segments that are preserved in a specific container with sugar solution after its sac coating is removed. Because canned citrus products are sterilized after complete sealing, the inherent freshness and nutrition are maintained for a relatively long period. Mandarin oranges, grapefruit, oranges, and hybrid tangerines are frequently used as raw materials for canned citrus products. The canned citrus industry encompasses all activities related to the processing of canned citrus products, which mainly includes citrus plantation, product transportation, packaging or container processing, and processing equipment manufacturing. Lee, in, 2015 AbstractCitrus is thought to have originated in Southeast Asia and horticulturally desirable clonal selections have been clonally cultivated for hundreds of years. While some citrus species have nucellar embryony, most cultivation of citrus has been by clonal propagation to ensure that propagated plants have the same traits as the parent selection. Clonal propagation also avoids juvenility, and the propagated plants produce fruit sooner.

Because of the clonal propagation of citrus, citrus has accumulated a large number of viruses; many of these viruses are asymptomatic until a susceptible rootstock and/or scion is encountered. The viruses reported to occur in citrus will be summarized in this review. Methods of therapy to clean selected clones from viruses will be reviewed; the use of quarantine, clean stock, and certification programs for control of citrus viruses and other strategies to control insect spread citrus viruses, such as mild strain cross-protection and the use of pest management areas will be discussed. Megh Singh, Shiv D. Sharma, in, 2008 SummaryCitrus is produced in subtropical climates with relatively high rainfall and in semiarid regions supplemented with irrigation. Abundant moisture, in addition to the frequent application of fertilizers and high temperature, encourages year-round luxuriant weed growth.

Apr 08, 2019  Citrus Health Network was represented by more than 70 staff members, family members, and friends, at the Miami-Dade County Out of the Darkness Walk to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Any of various evergreen, usually spiny shrubs or trees of the genus Citrus and other genera in the family Rutaceae, such as the grapefruit, lemon, and orange, native to South and Southeast Asia and widely cultivated for their juicy edible fruits with a leathery aromatic rind.

Managing weeds is a necessity in citrus production. Weeds compete with citrus for moisture, nutrients, and sunlight and interfere with spraying, irrigation, and harvesting – causing 25–33% loss to citrus farmers.

Weeds also reduce soil and air temperature, increasing the chance of frost damage to citrus trees during cold seasons. They are host to pathogens and harbor other pests. Thus, weeds cause considerable economic loss in citrus production ( Jordan and Day, 1967; Tucker and Singh, 1983). For these and other reasons, chemical weed control has become an integral part of citrus production programs throughout the world.Simazine was among the first herbicides registered for use in Florida citrus in 1962 and was recommended by the University of Florida as an excellent weed control tool for citrus ( Kretchman and McCown, 1962). This early registration of simazine was for the control of annual weeds, while today's registration includes broadleaf weeds, annual vines, and annual grasses ( Singh and Tucker, 1987).Triazine herbicides have provided a significant contribution to the effective control of weeds in citrus around the world and still are major tools in citrus weed management strategies. Zeki Berk, in, 2016 AbstractCitrus can grow in a wide variety of soils, provided that soil drainage is adequate but the optimal soils are structures deep sandy or moderately loamy structures with pH between 5.5 and 7.0. Citrus trees are most sensitive to soil salinity.

Climate has the strongest effect on citrus growth and production. The commercial citrus growing regions of the world are located in a belt between 40 degrees south and north of the equator, and nowhere outside this belt. Most cultivars are sensitive to frost. Strong winds and hailstorms are additional risk factors. Citrus needs heat, sunshine, and adequate rainfall or irrigation. The commonly used unit of the heat supplied to the plant is the Growth-Degree-Day or the heat unit per day. Citrus trees reproduce by seeds, cuttings, budding (grafting), and layering, with budding being the most widespread method.

The properties of the grafted tree are a combination of the characteristics of the rootstock and those of the scion. Orchard layout, that is, planting pattern and density should be planned. High planting density means more trees per hectare but less fruit per tree due to less exposure to sunlight. The importance of irrigation in citriculture cannot be overestimated.

A variety of irrigation systems, such as flooding, sprinklers, and drip irrigation, are in use. Intensive culture of citrus requires fertilization. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the principal macronutrients.

Pest control, disease management, and sanitary maintenance are critical tasks. Harvesting is one of the most expensive operations in citriculture. Citrus is harvested mostly by hand and occasionally by machines. BEARDSLEY, in, 1999 Citrus Red Mite, Panonychus citri (McGregor)Citrus red mite has a worldwide distribution on citrus. Like citrus, it may be of Asian origin. Panonychus citri feeds on leaves and fruit and occasionally on green twigs, causing a bronzing or silvering effect. Severe infestations may cause a partial defoliation of trees ( Jeppson et al., 1975).

Biological control of citrus red mites is practiced mainly through conservation of indigenous natural enemies (i.e., by avoiding spraying with pesticides toxic to the natural enemies). Beetles in the genus Stethorus (Coccinellidae) and Oligota (Staphylinidae) are specialized predators of tetranychid mites present in all areas of the world where citrus is grown.

Their impact on mite populations usually is thought to be significant only at medium or high mite densities. However, closer examination sometimes has revealed that Stethorus species are able to perceive isolated spider mite colonies and begin oviposition when average mite densities are very low ( Hull et al., 1977; Haney et al., 1987). Other insectan predators reported attacking citrus red mites include Saula japonica Gorham, a coleopteran in the Endomychidae in Japan, neuropterans in the Coniopterygidae, and dipterans in the Cecidomyidae ( McMurtry, 1985).Phytoseiid mites are common predators of citrus red mites. The most prevalent phytoseiids in many areas of the world are various species of Euseius. Euseius species are “generalist” feeders that reproduce readily on other foods as well as mites, especially pollen, so their abundance is not always correlated with that of mite prey ( McMurtry, 1969, 1977, 1985; Kennett et al., 1979; Garcia-Mari et al., 1984; Ferragut et al., 1987). However, most of these studies suggest that Euseius species sometimes maintain citrus red mite populations at low levels, either because the predators maintain relatively high densities as a result of utilizing other foods and thus prevent increases of these mites ( Kennett et al., 1979; Garcia-Mari et al., 1984), or because they actually show functional and numerical responses to increases of these red mites ( McMurtry et al., 1969; Keetch, 1972; Schwartz, 1978; Garcia-Mari et al., 1984). Other phytoseiids considered potentially important predators of citrus red mites include several species in the Amblyseius largoensis group, including A.

Eharai Amitai & Swirski in Japan ( Tanaka & Kashio, 1977) and A. Herbicolus (Chant) in Australia ( Beattie, 1978), both formerly referred to as A. Deleoni Muma & Denmark. An unrelated species, Amblyseius newsami (Evans), is considered an important predator of citrus red mites in Guangdong Province, China; the species is encouraged by manipulation of a ground cover that provides pollen and moderates temperatures ( Huang, 1978, 1981).

Phytoseiids that are specialized predators of citrus red mites have not been reported.A noninclusion virus disease is an additional mortality factor on citrus red mites in California. A survey of 51 orchards in central and southern California indicated infected citrus red mites in 82% of these orchards, with high mite populations frequently being controlled by epizootics of the virus ( Shaw et al., 1968). Infected mites can be found also at low population densities of citrus red mites in orchards under chemical pest control as well as unsprayed ones ( Shaw & Pierce 1972). Citrus red mite populations usually decline, even before high densities are reached, when samples of adult females show an infection of 10 to 15% and/or when there is a progressive increase in the rate of infection on two or more biweekly sampling dates ( McMurtry et al., 1979). In one study, phytoseiid mites were considered secondary in importance to the virus in suppressing citrus red mite populations in the spring ( McMurtry et al., 1979).

Estimation of the percentage of infection is based on the presence of birefringent crystals in slide-mounted mites examined microscopically under polarized light ( Smith & Cressman, 1962). A portable polarizing unit for field detection of diseased mites was developed ( Reed et al., 1972).Improved biological control of citrus red mites has been attempted by the “classical” method of importation, propagation, release, and attempted establishment of exotic predators. Over 20 species have been collected from citrus in different parts of the world, and propagated and colonized in California orchards. Only two of these have become established in California on citrus. Euseius stipulatus Athias-Henriot, introduced from the Mediterranean region in 1971, has displaced the native E.

Hibisci (Chant) in many coastal orchards of southern California. Interestingly, E. Stipulatus, like E. Hibisci, has very broad feeding habits, although it shows a higher reproductive capacity than E. Hibisci shows when feeding on citrus red mites. Stipulatus rapidly (within two seasons) displaced E.

Hibisci, also in orchards having few citrus red mites, additional factors must favor the exotic species over the native one ( McMurtry, 1982, 1989; Friese, 1985). Typhlodromus rickeri Chant, introduced from India in 1962, has been recovered in a few coastal orchards and only in relatively low numbers. This species is less of a “generalist” than are the Euseius species, being more closely associated with mites and having a higher rate of reproduction on both tetranychid and eriophyid mites ( McMurtry & Scriven, 1964b; McMurtry, 1982).Observations from various parts of the world indicate that most serious problems with citrus red mites are induced by the use of pesticides, usually applied for other citrus pests ( McMurtry, 1985). Therefore, the key to managing citrus red mites is to avoid the use of pesticides that destroy predators and/or stimulate increases of this mite.

Citrus comminutes ( Fig. 12.3) are a unique group of fruit materials that were initially developed in the 1950s.

At its simplest, a citrus comminute is produced by taking a whole citrus fruit and comminuting it in a suitable mill. The resulting product would then contain all the juice, albedo, flavedo and peel oils that were present in the whole fruit. It was soon apparent that such a product was of limited value and was generally unacceptable for consumption as such.

However, using the same principle, comminutes have been developed by taking the components of citrus from a normal juice processing operation and recombining them in different proportions according to the product required. Thus it is possible to enhance the flavour intensity by ensuring that peel oils are recombined, the texture and cloudiness by addition of albedo and colour by addition of more flavedo components. It is also possible to produce concentrated comminutes by the use of concentrated rather than direct juice. Typical production outline for citrus comminutes.The components of a comminute are combined in the required proportions, milled to remove particulate material, screened and then subjected to pasteurisation.

Citrus comminutes are not offered as single products for direct consumption but are used as ingredients in fruit-based drinks. Indeed, they originally gave rise to a group of products that were legally defined in the United Kingdom as ‘whole fruit drinks’ if they were in a dilute-to-taste formulation and ‘citrus crushes’ in a ready-to-drink formulation.

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Today citrus comminutes are probably used to a lesser degree than before but still offer a range of interesting and valuable raw materials. Zeki Berk, in, 2016 10.3 Bases for the manufacture of citrus flavored beveragesCitrus is the preferred flavor for soft drinks, both still and sparking, and some alcoholic beverages. According to marketing experts, citrus flavors are the top choice for beverages round the world. All citrus varieties, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, and tangerines, share this leading position. Most leading brands of thirst quenchers in the world are either citrus flavored or contain a certain quantity of ingredients of citrus origin. Citrus flavors have maintained their leading position as “classics” in the beverage sector for many decades and are predicted to do so in the future.

Consumers like them, are familiar with them, and take their availability for granted.Bases for the production of citrus flavored beverages originated, apparently, in the United Kingdom, but have been manufactured and exported for many years by citrus processing companies in the United States, Brazil, and Israel. The beverages made with these bases include carbonated “soda pops,” lemonades, still juice-like drinks, and lately lightly flavored mineral waters. Orange is the major flavor in soda pop type drinks and lemon and lime are, of course, the principal bases used in lemonades. Some drink manufacturers specialize in grapefruit flavored beverages. Blending of several bases is also common. A product closely related to bases is “citrus squash.” A citrus squash is a syrup made of a citrus base, sugar, and citric acid (or lemon juice). It is used for making citrus flavored beverages at home, by adding cold water or soda, in the proportion of four to five parts of water to one part of squash.The citrus flavor and in most cases the color and turbidity (cloud) in the final beverage are achieved by the incorporation of a wide range of tailor-made blends made in the citrus processing plant ( Kumar and Chandrasekaran, 2013; Palmer, 1997; Sreenath et al.


These complex blends are usually prepared according to the formulation provided by the manufacturer of the final drink or developed in cooperation with the client. They are known by names such as bases, comminuted bases, comminuted, cloudy, etc. Depending on the specifications and often confidential formulation, they may contain finely comminuted whole fruit, peel, pulp, juice, concentrate, recovered essence, essential oil, stabilizers, etc. They may be thermally treated, aseptically processed, refrigerated, frozen, or chemically preserved. Ashurst (1991) emphasizes the advantages of comminuted bases, namely, more intense flavor, excellent clouding power, and raw material stability. Escobedo et al.

(2011) Mention the phytochemical content and antioxidant property of comminuted orange. Despite their categorization as “by-products,” comminuted bases are value-added products and they are often the source of a considerable portion of the income derived per ton of fruit processed. In addition to their flavor and color, the distinguishing characteristic of comminuted bases is, as their name implies, their being finely ground and homogenized mixtures, containing solid particles in suspension and essential oils in emulsion. The central pieces of equipment used for their production are, therefore, colloid mills ( Fig. 10.3) and high pressure homogenizers ( Section 8.10).

Comminution is carried out in stages, first in hammer mills, then in toothed colloid mills capable of milling particles to 100 μm ( Fig. 10.4) and finally in corundum stone mills, capable of reducing particle size to 40 μm ( Fig. Brominated oil is added where permitted, to increase the specific gravity of the essential oils and prevent their separation as a “ring” in the final bottled beverage. Jiuxu Zhang, in, 2014 Concluding RemarksCitrus is one of the most important fruit crops in the tropical and subtropical regions in the world. Many factors affect citrus production, quality and economic value from the field to the consumer. Diplodia stem-end rot caused by L. Theobromae is one of the most significant postharvest decays of citrus fruit produced in the hot and humid regions in the world.

Diplodia stem-end rot develops from fungal latent infections that occur on immature fruit on citrus trees in the grove. The occurrence and development of this fungus are affected by many preharvest and postharvest factors, including deadwood on the trees, rainfall, cultural practices, fruit harvesting methods, postharvest ethylene degreening treatment, timing and types of fungicide treatments, and temperatures during fruit transit and storage.

Postharvest Diplodia stem-end rot control can be achieved by preventing, inhibiting, reducing and eradicating the fungal growth, sporulation, infections and the reactivation of latent infections and decay development by using both physical and chemical approaches in the pre- and postharvest stages. An integrated disease control system with chemical application as the core component can be employed effectively to control postharvest Diplodia stem-end rot. The Diplodia stem-end rot control system should also be integrated into the whole citrus postharvest decay control system to control all citrus postharvest diseases. The control strategies of citrus Diplodia stem-end rot described above should also provide useful information for the control of this fungus on other horticultural fruits.

Synopsis During the summer of her freshman year of high school, Yuzu Aihara's mother remarried, forcing her to transfer to a new school. To a fashionable socialite like Yuzu, this inconvenient event is just another opportunity to make new friends, fall in love, and finally experience a first kiss.

Unfortunately, Yuzu's dreams and style do not conform with her new ultrastrict, all-girls school, filled with obedient shut-ins and overachieving grade-skippers. Her gaudy appearance manages to grab the attention of Mei Aihara, the beautiful and imposing student council president, who immediately proceeds to sensually caress Yuzu's body in an effort to confiscate her cellphone.Thoroughly exhausted from her first day, Yuzu arrives home and discovers a shocking truth—Mei is actually her new step-sister! Though Yuzu initially tries to be friendly with her, Mei's cold shoulder routine forces Yuzu to begin teasing her. But before Yuzu can finish her sentence, Mei forces her to the ground and kisses her, with Yuzu desperately trying to break free. Once done, Mei storms out of the room, leaving Yuzu to ponder the true nature of her first kiss, and the secrets behind the tortured expression in the eyes of her new sister.Written by MAL Rewrite. Overall3Story3Animation3Sound3Character3Enjoyment7Tinseltown has been coming under fire as of late.

Celebrities' misdeeds are being exposed publicly on a weekly basis like a new sporting event. The #MeToo movement giving a platform to voice sex scandals that have gone unnoticed for far too long. Scrolling through your timeline, plastered on the TV screen, announced over the radio during daily commutes, the subject matter of countless memes, the focal point of water-cooler conversations; no matter where you turn, there it is.

Accusation after accusation. Transforming popular figures into pervert pariahs overnight. Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Louis C.K., Dustin Hoffman, Brett Ratner, James Woods, Bryan Singer, CaseyAffleck; an endless potpourri of bigwigs—the 21st Century witch hunt in full swing. No one is safe.And while all of this is going on, halfway across the globe, there's Citrus, minding its own business as it idly trolls along turning sexual assault into a provocative byproduct of step-sisters 'bickering.' While people are pooling together with torches and pitchforks in hand, shining a light on any sexual misconduct occurring in the dark recesses of the entertainment industry, Studio Passione persists with the biggest 'whatever bro' shoulder shrug.

What the rest of the world concerns itself with isn't going to stop them from showing girls casually molesting each other on their scheduled programming. It's actually pretty impressive. Fucked up, but impressive nonetheless. I guess you could extend that sentiment to Japan in general.

Creating 'fucked up shit' in a carefree manner has become something like their calling card:Has mass-shootings and domestic terrorism been a hot-button issue? Well here, have some Inuyashiki. Concerned with gender politics? Don't worry, we got you covered with Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita.

'If you want it, we got it.' Seems to be the motto, as they peddle anything and everything in the endless pursuit of creative freedom. Which brings us to latest foray into the 'fucked up shit' unofficial canon, Citrus.From the land that gave us distinct high-school dramas like Orange, we're handed Citrus, the undesirable fruit.The anime tells the tale of– oh, who are we kidding? It's about sexy-time with female characters.

It's all lip service unless it 'services the lips' of the females involved.It's pretty average-looking too, the ugly kind of average-looking.Hoards of CGI models in green linen jackets. Flat buildings without detail, walls bare of personality. Real-life inspired locations washed of any distinct features. Stainless steel structures, straight shapes stretching on endlessly without purpose, without care.

Floorboards and walkways copied and pasted into an endless loop of lethargic worldbuilding. A kind of artificial sheen to everything. Devoid of human touch, the undeniable look of computer-generated polish. Clinically sterile and evenly lit. The feeling of being done to the bare minimum. Unconcerned with anything unless it's 'sexy-time,' and even then, it's barely a passing grade.Everyone has dark hair and moves forward in a unified step as if puppets to their boring world.

A lifeless march towards an all-girl school, a place where our Yuzu would be attending. Yuzu Aihara is the rowdy rebel, our ball of 'life' in a world lacking it, and unfortunately our main lead as well. The unlikable side character in any other show given a chance to take center-stage to problematic results. Makeup caked on, strawberry blonde hair puffed up, cleavage out in the sun, skirt hacked up, buttermilk tan, all manner of frilly things, school outfit altered beyond recognition, a personality as loud as her appearance; a self-proclaimed gyaru and a shameless attention-seeker at that—this is 'much deep' cuz spunky gurl in a world of conformists.And standing as her polar opposite, there's Mei Aihara, a soon-to-be molester dressed up as a Mary Sue.

She suffers heavily from PerfectGirl-syndrome: honor-role pupil, top of her class, student council president, poised, admired by everyone, the chairman's granddaughter, built like a walkway model, good at literally everything she does. She probably farts out Chanel No. You get the drill, she's as interesting as wallpaper. Perfect to a sickening degree. Well, that's all before she decided to turn her new step-sister, Ms. Rowdy Rebel, into her personal play-thing.And who better to bring this together than Takeo Takahashi, a man that's equally known for his hentai contributions as he is his 'safe for work' content.Citrus certainly has that kind of attribute to it. That sort of sleazy undercurrent that flows throughout every moment, well-intention or otherwise.

Camera-panning that ogles the female form without concern for respecting boundaries. Narrative threads meant to help audiences relate to the cast quickly expedited to get to the next sexual encounter. Endless monologues for every characters' dilemma—subtlety isn't allowed in this universe. A sense of objectification, even if it's in regards to actions expressed with consent. Nothing is ever pure.

Everything smeared with the fingerprints of hedonistic high-gloss.Even smut like 2017's Scum's Wish, at the very least, had small spurts of respect displayed for its cast, occasionally loosening its vice grip to allow a chance to express feelings openly. By comparison, everything in Citrus feels bought off. An act of slave-like procurement over the characters' bodies that's too readily apparent to ignore.

Awkward half-chubs spurred on by involuntary stimuli. In a meta-sense, we're also made victims of visual misconduct (go figure). It's the kind of eroticism that arrives quickly and leaves you feeling dirty.An anime that will have a heated shower scene where non-consensual groping occurs, then follow it up with this dialogue exchange:'No!'

–Yuzu pushes away in abject horror– 'Why are you doing this!?' –her eyes closed, as she stands there naked and vulnerable.Mei innocently answers back without hesitation, a tone of motherly matter-of-factness:'Because you looked like you wanted me to touch you.' The scene ends, never to properly address the disturbing exchange again.As long as the money shot was secured and a few man-tents were pitched, nothing else matters.This is the kind of 'feeling dirty' I'm referring to.I love perverted content as much as the next guy, but sometimes, what Citrus attempts to do is genuinely off-putting. Sexual harassment shouldn't be confused with love.

And if it is, a level of accountability needs to be put in place to avoid idealistic handwaving. But this is a show that thinks that if it holds a 'this is wrong' PSA after it indulges in sexual misconduct, that it's suddenly not culpable of wrongdoing. An anime that sells Stockholm syndrome as a shot of Cupid's arrow. Where fighting sexual harassment with sexual harassment is treated as an actual solution. Serious issues trivialized to create marketable eroticism and comedic gags.Any act of earnestness is completely lost in a title devoid of finesse. After a while, you sort of just roll with it. Jokes at the expense of serious issues.

Illogical reasoning made by characters to justify their actions. You might even buy into the lack of audiovisual effort as a part of the 'theme' to contrast everything against Yuzu's personality.

Of course, you'll be wrong, as even her living quarters and look has been rendered flaccid, lacking in any sense of creative vitality or noticeable effort. It's all very surface-level. Pedestrian sleaze that isn't arousing enough to keep the Kleenex nearby nor respectful enough to genuinely stimulate discussions regarding the content on display.And that's perhaps this show's biggest downfall in a nutshell: it's vanilla, but a souring type of vanilla.A type of middling existence occupied by works of far more distinction than itself.

If you're interested in the taboo themes that this anime addresses, there's no need to compromise with inferior goods to get your fix. There are better alternatives out there for those actually seeking integrity (Koi Kaze) or far more titillating eye-candy (Scum's Wish). Why settle for vanilla in a world full of flavor just waiting to be discovered? Is Citrus entertaining?

Sure, at times. But when 17-minutes of content is glazed over just for 3-minutes of 'sexy-time,' and the 'sexy-time' itself is neither well-animated or concerned with addressing the elephant in the room that surrounds its content; at that point, what you're left with is a show whose sole purpose for existing is left dead in the water from the moment it dives in. Overall5Story4Animation7Sound7Character5Enjoyment5Some spectators consider themselves sophisticated, modern and avant-garde. However, when they become aware of some social taboos, they change their mind and create a disapproval towards some topics. One example, the lesbian romance. Citrus has potential but fails with some distasteful scenes as described below.The Ugly: The story mistake love with rape and forces affection from a lame sexual assault. In this world, Weinstein’s behavior would be considered romantic and not the act of a sick predator.The Good: As the plot progress you can observe the protagonists’ insecurity, problems, and feelings.The Bad: Unrealistic begin.

Some characters are not well developed because the timeis not enough to let them grow.Citrus introduces a homosexual storyline where we can see a lesbian nexus, yet you don’t need to fear it. No matter your gender, you can enjoy some parts of the narrative. The plot isn’t as bad as some writers want us to believe, but it’s not surprising either. Besides, the series begins with some weird and awkward moments that sink the possibility of a good romance, and I consider them fictional and unrealistic.

On the other hand, Citrus emphasize the inexperience and the doubts in a relationship and tries to establish a link between the protagonists. In some scenes, you can sense the character’s feelings. Sadly, in this modern era the taboo persists, perhaps for a woman, it is easier to tolerate this type of bond. Finally, Citrus is a Yuri anime, if you cannot bear this kind of affinity, it is better to stand aside and ignore the adaptation, or you might end up disappointed.The storyThe story isn’t as marvelous as you can expect, the author sometimes mistakes rape with love, though.

Also, the only way explored to conceive the romance is through the physical force. For example, it is ridiculous comparing intimacy with a sexual assault under the diplomatic motto “since I love you, I can obligate you to adore me.” In a real world, this concept will be judged as rude and out of place, it will generate repulsion, a restriction order and could end with a visit to the jail. Those actions could lead the spectator to misinterpret the characters’ feelings and leaves the personal problems, fears, doubts, the lack of experience, and psychological aspects in the missing objects box. In the case of Yuzu, she does not know how to approach Mei, so the storyteller merely throws her over Mei literally, and the latter doesn’t hesitate to assault Yuzu. Can you accept it as a romance? Furthermore, this keeps happening during all the adaptation.

If you read the manga, those scenes aren’t intrusive, you can pass them faster but in the anime the director focus and prolong them. Call it fanservice, hentai or sexual harassment; it does not fit the feeling setting momentum.In addition, this erroneous idea creates a false meaning of a lesbian link.


From my perspective, a lesbian is like a straight; the relationship rules are alike. Why does the author use a weird and a wrong approach to initiate the attraction? Thus far, the plot fails on producing a good start for the romantic connection, it just leads the characters to a forced rape, deceiving the spectators with a cheap and fake drama.Nevertheless, the narration improves as it advances. I am not considering Citrus as a masterpiece, but the progression is acceptable.

As the series continues, we can observe the inexperience of a usual acquaintance, the doubts, the pain, the suffering of the protagonists delivering the audience a better development and a different perspective. While the story picks up, it still has some defects such as the recurrent fanservice.

If the social taboos do not slant the viewer, you could enjoy Citrus, though.Unfortunately, the lack of sense at the beginning ruins the possibility of a more vibrant narrative, a palpable romance and leads to the audience’s boredom. Going further, you can notice some pacing problems. You need to be honest with yourself because some characters were just placed to fill a scene. The casual spectator will only watch the first episodes and decide if skipping the show. Since the issues appear from the start, Citrus will be readily considered a bit grotesque, a raw passion and a potential drop.Finally, the overused sexual assault as a “comedy” (for some) or as a “romance” change the plot and the enjoyment. If you can survive those scenes, you can see the character’s authentic feelings.

Honestly, I like Citrus manga, but the anime has been highly criticized by some unpleasant development that leads to a different meaning. In conclusion, you cannot compare intimacy with ravishment, and you cannot exploit the sexual assault to propel a romantic or comedic moment. For some viewers that scenes show affection, for others is a rape. In my case, SOME are sexual abuse and unnecessary. Lastly, the twelve episodes present a portion of the story and not all the published material and the most significant parts of the series still on the source.The charactersYuzu. In the beginning, she displays some atypical feelings for Mei. Since she has no experience in love or relationships, she could fool the viewers with her naivety, show an emptiness and a similarity with a mundane generic girl.

However, as the story progresses, we can see her emotions, problems and real doubts.Mei. Some can judge her as a cold and expressionless robot. Since she is the school president, she might look strong.

Nevertheless, inside she is baffled and seeks to follow her dad’s steps. She will give up everything to keep alive her family legacy and traditions.

Also, she cannot communicate her emotions and has vast inexperience in the relationship area. Thus, always leads her to mistake love with sexual assault or perhaps she just enjoys doing that.Matsuri.

I consider her introduction misplaced. From nowhere she arrives and creates some problems just because Mei needs an opponent. Her feelings for Yuzu are vaguely explained.Sara: Added in a similar way to Matsuri but her nature is the opposite. She is Yuzu’s rival, and her sentiments appear almost instantly.The rest of the characters help the narrative progression such as Harumi and Himeko.The art and soundTechnically speaking, Citrus has a beautiful animation, clean and fluid with excellent drawings catching your attention. Despite the plot issues, you will enjoy it. The camera angles and planes blend well with the narrative and the emotions; they focus on the details.

One negative aspect, the unnecessary fanservice scenes. You could misinterpret them and will sink the real story.The series has good sound. They give us a remarkable OP and ED. Honestly, I like the OP, the tune and rhythm combined with the lyrics create a fabulous composition.EnjoymentCitrus isn’t an anime for all tastes. The social taboo may make the observer indispose from the beginning. However, after some episodes, the story improves, and you can feel some character’s emotions. I like some aspects of the plot.

Citrus Anime

It isn’t perfect and has a weird unrealistic start letting you with a big question mark, “is it going to be worth my time?” Thus, in combination with the “sexual assault” scenes could lead your apathetic side and make you drop the series. Finally, the manga is superior. It shows a significant evolution with better pacing.

I understand, sometimes most of the spectators avoid this genre, but if you reached this point of my review, perhaps you could watch the anime and read the source to feel Yuzu’s emotions in a more desirable approach. I wanted to give Citrus a high score my conviction prevents me. I cannot accept the constant use of a sexual assault as a romantic or comedic filler that impacts the plot negatively.

Is Pineapple A Citrus Fruit

As I said, Citrus isn’t for all the tastes.Lastly and talking in general, you need to be broad-minded and don’t bury a show just for a sexual preference. You can criticize but don’t stigmatize the lesbian topic. If you dislike the story, skip it.

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