Course Notes The Earth And Its Peoples 4th Edition
- The Earth And Its Peoples 3rd Edition Chapter Outlines
- Course Notes The Earth And Its Peoples 4th Edition Notes
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The Earth And Its Peoples 3rd Edition Chapter Outlines
Course Notes The Earth And Its Peoples 4th Edition Notes
CHAPTER 20Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean,1500–1750I.The Ottoman Empire, to 1750A.Expansion and Frontiers1.Osman established the Ottoman Empire in northwestern Anatolia in 1300. He and his successors consolidated control over Anatolia, fought Christian enemies in Greece and in the Balkans, captured Serbia and the Byzantine capital of Constantinople, and established a general border with Iran.2.Egypt and Syria were added to the empire in 1516–1517, and the major port cities of Algeria and Tunis voluntarily joined the Ottoman Empire in the early sixteenth century.
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520–1566) conquered Belgrade (1521) and Rhodes (1522) and laid siege to Vienna (1529), but withdrew with the onset of winter. Wait just a minute here.In order to access these resources, you will need to or for the website (takes literally 1 minute!) and 10 documents to the Course-Notes.Org library.