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Resources for understanding phylogenies: credit: Brown & Lomolino (1998)Biogeography 2nded. Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland, Mass.Hadrath & Baker (2001)Proc. B268: 939-945 1Review: Phylogeny of flightless birdspast present Time (my)Turtles from Ascension island nesting colony are genetically identical to turtles from the Brazilian nesting colony. Green turtles must have dispersed to Ascension Island from Brazil very recently (e.g., within the last 10,000 years)Bowenet al.(1992)Evolution46(4). 865-881D E F C2mtDNA phylogenyReview: Green sea turtles on Ascension IslandHow can we rule out vicariance? Not only are turtles on Ascension Island similar to those in coastal Brazil Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has a fast rate of evolution.
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Given vicariance (evolution in isolation) we would expect island populations to be highly differentiated after 70 myBowenet al.(1992)Evolution46(4). South indian hindi dubbed movies. 865-881D E F C3mtDNA phylogenyReview: Green sea turtles on Ascension IslandHistory of Biogeography4age 25 age 55 age 80 age 90Image credit: Russel Wallace (1823-1913).