Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial Number

  1. Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial Number Key
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  3. Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial Number Name

Its manufacturer's serial number is 001, and is registered as F-WWOW. The new Airbus will initially be sold in two versions: the A380-800, carrying 555 passengers in a three-class configuration or up to 800 passengers in a single-class economy configuration. Expected range for the -800 model is 8,000 nautical miles (14,800 km). Published on 09:00 AM Number of Views: 14661 Wilco Airbus A380 By Kevin Glover (11 January 2009) T he A380 is the sign of the times - bigger, faster, cleaner. Whether it's better is something that I'll leave up to you to decide, but nonetheless such an impressive aircraft deserves an equally impressive counterpart for the simulator. With new technologies, improved features and specific FSX missions, Wilco Publishing brings the Airbus A380 to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The DOWNLOAD.

With new technologies, improved features and specific FSX missions, Wilco Publishing brings the Airbus A380 to Microsoft Flight Simulator X.The DOWNLOAD version is for FSX only. The CD-Rom version is compatible with Flight Simulator X and 2004. The features list on this page concerns the FSX version. English and French manuals included.File size: 92Mb.Known as the world’s only TWIN-DECK airliner, the A380 is the most ADVANCED, SPACIOUS and EFFICIENT airliner ever conceived!Missions description (for FSX)TOULOUSE - April 27, 2005. The newly constructed A380 is rolled out of its hangar for its maiden test flight. Airport and Airbus staff have joined government officials and members of the public to see the flight off.As Official Test Pilot, you will embark your A380 for a 60 minutes Maiden Flight.

After a (hopefully) successful take-off from Toulouse Blagnac, you will be asked to execute a smooth touch-and-go in Spain, over majestic Pyrenees mountains and 'hollywood-type' cinematics sequences. During the flight, ground engineers will ask you to perform in-flight tests over beautiful landscapes and the Atlantic ocean.

Then, you will be directed to the factory home base so that the test sensor data can be offloaded.This Flight Simulator X mission, supplied in different complexity levels, allow beginner and expert pilots alike to train through a step-by-step tutorial, from cold and dark cockpit to full kiss landing. The missions feature English voices and subtitles displayed in English, German or French.Aircraft Features (for FSX). Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A380. Flight Simulator X only: Jetways connection animations. NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert.


Jacques Rosay, vice-president and chief test pilot at Airbus, firstadvanced the throttles on the world’s largest commercial aircraft onWednesday, April 27. Not only was over $14 billion in design and newtechnology riding on his skills, but the future of the company itself.At precisely 10:29 Toulouse time, Rosay lifted off into history on thefirst of many successful test flights.“WhenI started the first takeoff,” said Rosay in a conversation with Wings,“I had no thoughts on the significance of the external events. I washere to fly the aircraft and my entire thoughts were focused on the jobat hand. If I had worried about all the other issues I would havestayed home in bed.” Although the A380 uses fly-by-wire (FBW)technology, Rosay was using it in its simplest form. “The onlyautomatic system turned on was the yaw damper,” Rosay said. “We plannedto fly the aircraft using Direct Law control until we were sure thatall the feedback signals were correct.” In Direct Law, the FBWcomputers act as a straight-through control of the flight surfaces.

Forevery pilot input there is a direct movement of the particular controlsurface and no additional signal conditioning from other computersystems. “After I lifted the aircraft off the runway we climbedstraight ahead at a slightly lower-than-normal climb angle as I firstevaluated the feel of the aircraft in the pitch axis.” Preliminarytakeoff speeds were calculated to be V1 = 146 kts, VR = 146 kts and V2=157 kts, with a takeoff roll of approximately 9,800 feet.Oncesatisfied with the pitch response of the aircraft, that channel wasswitched to At the Toulouse delivery facility the Normal Law mode andthe same tests were carried out on the roll channel. On the firstflight, the landing gear was tested in both normal operation andemergency extension, various flap positions were flown and the aircraftwas stalled in both clean and dirty configurations. “The aircraftstalls very smoothly,” said Rosay.

Airbus a380 interior

“There is no indication of roll oryaw as the wing starts to stall first at the wing root. There is verylittle vibration before the aircraft drops cleanly on the presentheading.” There were no surprises on the flight as Rosay, had ‘flown’an engineering flight simulator extensively prior to the first actualflight. Canada’s CAE will be providing A380 simulators once Airbusprovides the actual aircraft performance numbers from the flight testdata.Despite weighing in at a husky 437,000+ kilograms, theaircraft does not feel heavy in flight.

“The wing loading is so lowthat the aircraft feels very responsive despite its size and weight,”Rosay said. “I have flown some crosswind landings already and had noproblem with control.

Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial Number Key

In the engineering simulator, we were carryingout landings with crosswinds as high as 55 knots.” Taxiing an aircraftof this size is also not a problem. “We sit directly above the nosegear and the distance to the mains is not much different than otheraircraft, so manoeuvring is no problem.” The position of the A380cockpit, halfway between the two passenger decks, also provides forimproved ground visibility.

Airbus A380 News

Since the first flight, Airbus madeseven more test flights before Wings’ visit. The aircraft had beenflown to FL430, its maximum altitude, and at Mach 0.89 – typical cruisewill be Mach 0.85. The test flight program is scheduled to last 2,500hours with four aircraft participating. The first aircraft is heavilyinstrumented with test engineering positions on both passenger decks.This aircraft will provide the majority of initial performance andmanoeuvring data.

Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial Number Name

Serial number 4 (second aircraft to be completed)will aid in this part of the program. Serial numbers 2 and 7 will flyfirst to Hamburg where their interiors will be installed beforecarrying out additional test flying. These tests will be based onpassenger cabin fixtures, air movement, inflight entertainment systemsand a myriad of systems surrounding an aircraft that will carry 555passengers in its normal configuration.

Emergency exit certificationwill be carried out at a specially-designed hangar in Hamburg; 538passengers, 11 cabin crew and two flight crew will exit from the maindeck. Another 315 passengers plus seven cabin crew will exit from theupper deck. All the participants must be able to exit the aircraft, inthe dark, using only half of the 16 emergency exits, in 90 seconds toachieve JAR/FAR 25.803 certification.

Cold-weather trials will be heldin Irkutsk, Russia and a series of longduration passenger-provingflights will be carried out before delivery of the first aircraft nextyear.Relatively few test hours are required for the A380 due tothe testing and certification process perfected by Airbus. Ahigh-speed, real-time data link between the aircraft and severaltelemetry stations in France provide the ground test engineers withinstant data on aircraft systems during flight.

This information allowsfor faster response times to adjust software or reconfigure aircraftsystems.During test flight #8, Wings observed some of the testfrom the telemetry station in Toulouse. Flying at 35,025 feet over theBay of Biscay, aircraft #1 was cruising at Mach 0.853 with engines oneand four at flight idle and two and three at 97%. Fuel flow on thepowered-up engines was 4,500 lbs/hr. The Rolls-Royce Trent 900s,derated to 70,000 lbs thrust, provide a quiet, fuelefficient flight.The Thalesmanufactured cockpit displays are similar to the rest of theAirbus family but are larger, incorporating vertical profilepresentations along the bottom of the LCD display. The flightmanagement system has undergone a radical facelift and now includes atrackball allowing the pilot to move a cursor on the navigationdisplays to modify the aircraft flight plan.

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