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Full text of '7)HomeTELEPHONE383.4111CLASSIFIED386.2121®l)r Bailti1 (Colonist.Cloudy,high 12Weather Detailson Page 2No. 99 — 121st YearV ancouter Island's leading newspaper since 1858Victoria, British Columbia, Sunday, April 8, 1979.15C Daily, 30CSunday6 Last chance ’to decideon resourcesLUPUL’S BLASTSAVES COUGARSGary Lupul’s overtime heroics gaveVictoria.Cougars a breath of life in theWestern Hockey League playoffs Sat¬urday night.The speedy centre sent a near-ca¬pacity crowd of 5,117 into a frenzywhen he scored just 27 seconds intoovertime to give the Cougars a 4-3triumph over the New WestminsterBruins. (Story on Page 20.)cCAMPAIGN1. Additional coverage on Page 12.
Rumbles stilled as Socreds go to trenches. Page13Warmed-overvows, jokesColonist staffKAMLOOPS - There willbe no deficit budgeting inB.C.
As long as Social Creditremains in power, PremierBennett pledged Saturdaynight.Speaking to an audience of700 plus attending the wind¬up banque't of a two-day con¬vention, Bennett repeatedmost of the statementsmade during his openingspeech Thursday.But he added the one mes¬sage: “Financial institutionsare fine in their way, butthere is no way the citizensof British Columbia shouldowe their lives to them. I donot believe in carryingdeadweight interest ondebt, nor does my govern¬ment.”During his speech he re¬peated his challenge to de¬bate his government’s poli¬cies with the “troika of NDPleaders. Dave Barrett, BobWilliams and Jim Kinnaird.I think they all have to bethere because I have ques¬tions I want them to answerin public and in front of eachother.“My challenge is not toindividuals, it is to the lead¬ership of the NDP.'
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’In his 40-minute speech,the premier tossed out hisusual quota of one-liners:“The socialists don’t do itfor you.
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