D-link Dwa-160a2 Linux Driver


I recently bought a USB wifi adapter for my new desktop computer. It's a D-link DWA-160 A2. From the start it didn't want to work at all, but after unplugging and then plugging it back in, it seems to work.However, my browsing is painfully slow. NetworkManager reports the connection to be at around 78-85% signal strength, which seems perfectly acceptable.Is there anything I can do to make it faster?

D-link Dwa-160a2 Linux DriverD-link Dwa-160a2 Linux Driver

Free Download D-Link DWA-160 Rev.A2 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter Driver for Windows 7 x64/Windows 8 x64 (Network Card).

I'm dual booting with Windows 7, where it seems to work fine, so I'm guessing that the problem occurs because of crappy drivers.

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